Expositores Invitados
Armando Fox, Ph.D.
Profesor y asesor de MOOCLab en UC Berkeley
Johannes Heinlein
Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at edX
Carlos Delgado Kloos Ph.D.
Vicerrector de Estrategia y Educación Digital UC3M, España
Dhawal Shah
Fundador y CEO de Class Central
Ajay Kapur Ph.D.
Co-Fundador y CEO de Kadenze.
Mario Chamorro
Gerente regional para Iberoamérica de Coursera
Armando Fox is a Professor in Berkeley’s Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department and the Faculty Advisor to the UC Berkeley MOOCLab. He co-designed and co-taught Berkeley’s first Massive Open Online Course, “Engineering Software as a Service”, which over 10,000 students worldwide have completed and inspired the highly-rated textbook of the same name. He also serves on the Technical Advisory Committee of EdX, helping to set the technical direction of the OpenEdX MOOC platform. He has received numerous awards for teaching, mentoring, and research, including the 2015 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for the impact of his online education work. He has addressed the California legislature, the China Ministry of Education, and the Japan Top Global University Project, among others, on topics related to online and hybrid education. His current research in online education includes automatically helping students improve their coding style and improving engagement and learning outcomes in MOOCs. He is particularly interested on how MOOC and classroom education can mutually support each other. His degrees are from MIT (BS in EECS), the University of Illinois (MS in EE), and UC Berkeley (PhD in CS). He is also the author of “Piano/Conductor: So They Talked You Into Being Music Director”, which he believes to be the best book on music direction written by a computer scientist. He is a classically-trained musician and performer and a bilingual/bicultural Cuban-American New Yorker living in San Francisco.

Johannes Heinlein is vice president of strategic partnerships for edX, leading university partnership and collaboration initiatives. Prior to joining edX, Johannes served as director in the Office of the President and Provost of Harvard University where he was responsible for the planning and execution of university-wide transformations in strategy and operations. Prior to joining Harvard, Johannes worked in the public sector and for global industry leaders, to develop and implement change management and program strategies. Johannes holds degrees from the University of Hamburg, Germany, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and the University of Strathclyde, Scotland.

Carlos Delgado Kloos es Ingeniero de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Doctor en Informática por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich. Es Catedrático de Ingeniería Telemática en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, donde es también Director del Grupo de Investigación GAST y Director de la Cátedra UNESCO sobre “Educación Digital Escalable para Todos”. Además, es Vicerrector de Estrategia y Educación Digital en su Universidad. Coordina la red eMadrid sobre Tecnología Educativa en la Comunidad de Madrid y es el representante español en el comité TC3 sobre Educación de IFIP. Ha liderado una multitud de proyectos de investigación tanto a nivel europeo, como nacional y bilateral. El número de contribuciones científicas en congresos o revistas nacionales e internacionales supera las 400. Además ha escrito un libro y co-editado más de una docena.

Reference No.561533-EPP-1-2015-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
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