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Universidad del Cauca guided workshops on MOOC

During March 2017, Mario Solarte, researcher at the University del Cauca in the MOOC-Maker project, guided two workshops on the production of web content under the MOOC paradigm to researchers and teachers of the MenTES program in the city of Popayán (Colombia) linked to various higher education institutions of this city.

The MenTES program „Improvement in Transit to Higher Education“, also known as „MenTES – Cauca“, is one of the actions of the component of educational innovations developed within the framework of the Cauca Innovation Project – „Human Talent Training Network for the Social and Productive Innovation in the Cauca’s Department „, financed through the General System of Royalty.

MenTES-Cauca coordinated by Miguel Corchuelo Ph.D. of the University del Cauca, aims to facilitate the development of the life project of aspiring university students as one of the factors to promote their access to higher education, as well as their academic sustainability. It is particularly aimed at young people of Middle Education coming from ethnic communities such as Afro-descendants and indigenous people, as well as from vulnerable rural communities.
The guided workshops dealt with topics related to the pedagogical approach of the Open Massive Online Courses (MOOCs), as well as with the guidelines generated in the MOOC-Maker project for the design and construction of educational content intensively supported by videos.

From these workshops, we hope to create a synergy between the MenTES-Cauca program and the MOOC-Maker project that will benefit the curricular innovations and pedagogical strategies to promote better learning and favor dynamics related to social and productive innovation in both initiatives.

Mario Solarte

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