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UNESCO Chair Seminar

On May 31, two partners of the MOOC-Maker project were invited to participate in the seminar „Digital Education around the World: Reports from Austria, Colombia and Belarus“ organized by the Unesco Chair and held at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Christian Guetl PhD of Graz University of Technology (Austria), presented the topic “E-Learning in Austria’s Higher Education Sector”. In this presentation he showed an exploration about the situation of e-learning and e-teaching in the higher education sector in Austria. Furthermore, he gave an overview of e-education initiatives at Graz University of Technology, and illustrated some selective examples.

Subsequently, Eng. Mario Solarte of Universidad del Cauca (Colombia) gave a presentation in Spanish about „Massive Private Online Courses (MPOCs) at the University of Cauca (Colombia)“, in which he spoke about the experiences and lessons learned in the use of MOOCs and the Open edX platform, offering transversal courses with academic credits in Unicauca’s higher education.

Catedrá Unesco seminario “Digital Education around the World: Reports from Austria, Colombia and Belarus”


CÁTEDRA UNESCO: EDUCACIÓN DIGITAL ESCALABLE PARA TODOS. La cátedra UNESCO organiza el seminario “Digital Education around the World: Reports from Austria, Colombia and Belarus” (2017-05-31). Consulta realizada el 09 de junio de 2016 en

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